Ekuqaleni kuka-2024, i-DNG chisses ifudukele kwindawo entsha yomzi-mveliso enendawo engaphezulu kwe-5000 yezityalo. Each chisel production line has a more independent and rich operating space, which support to produce higher quality hydraulic breaker chisels products.


Through face-to-face communication with customers, we deepen the trust with each other and also have a deeper understanding of the market situation. Ukuqonda okungcono, sinokuphucula iimveliso ngakumbi ngokuhambelana nemfuno yentengiso.


2024, DNG Chisel sales reached a new breakthrough of more than 500,000pcs, monthly selling chisels more than 42,000 pcs, loading containers almost everyday. Kwaye ezona zinto zanelisayo zizikhalazo ze-zero.



As we look forward to the new year 2025, we are excited about the opportunities that it will bring. We have big plans in place and are confident that we can achieve even more success. We will enrich our sales team in 2025 to provide customers better and more timely service. Kumzi-mveliso we-ExCaulic Shirt, i-DNG chisel iya kuqhubeka nokukhokela indlela kwaye izabalazele kwinqanaba eliphezulu.



IXESHA LOKUQALA: UJan-16 ukuya ku-15